Feeling nervous


Every since my pap/pelvic exam almost two weeks ago I’ve had constant yellow/very light brown discharge. No actual blood, just off colored discharge. Some normal cramping as well, but nothing extreme, just uncomfortable, like end of period cramps. I know everything I’ve read says some light bleeding or discharge is normal...but for two weeks? It did lighten up and start to go back to white/clear about 5 days after the exam, but then after intercourse it started up again. I’m wondering maybe I’m just more sensitive down there and it’s causing some irritation? Anyone else experience this and everything was ok? My next appointment isn’t for another 1.5 weeks. Just trying to put my mind at ease.

The baby’s heartbeat at 8 weeks was 144 and the tech said he saw nothing to be concerned about. So I’m just hoping this is all normal and I’m freaking myself out by googling too much.