PLEASE help me 😔

I need honest opinions.

My boyfriend of a year and a half went home to visit family and friends. He was hangout out with a guy friend and then sends me a snapchat of one of his female friends from home.

I want to make it crystal clear: I had no problem with them hanging out all together.

All I asked my bf was if they were planning on having a sleepover : which is something I would not be okay with. Just not my values.

He ghosted me, started freaking out and HAD THIS GIRL WHOM IVE NEVER MET MESSAGE ME ON INSTAGRAM trying to “clarify” for him and telling me how to feel about the drinking and potential sleepover.

The next day i messaged her and told her I didn’t appreciate her prying . She told me that she’s known by boyfriend longer and that I am annoying.

I’m so upset my bf gave her the green light to message me and didn’t stick up for me when she insulted me the day after.

Please leave your opinions, am i nuts to be mad? 😣