20 MONTHS in the making! Pinch me I have to be dreaming! ♥️♥️♥️

After being together ten years We started trying for a baby in October 2016. April 2017 we found out we were facing male factor. August 2017 we saw a fertility urologist and in November 2017 he had five large varicoceles removed. While the veins were in there we were trying with unfortunately not much chance, it looked grim. We had only 11% motility, only 1% being progressive! And zero morph. Over the 6 months after surgery we kept seeing improvements (he was also on clomid daily) but my heart was still aching for something to happen. I was frustrated and we were emotionally drained. So July 30 we saw the RE for the first time. He wanted me to ovulate a little earlier. My amh came back excellent. We were to call and start femara when my period came. God works in mysterious ways guys bc my period never came. I was three days late and took a test after work in the evening last night! We have tried for exactly 20 cycles to conceive. My heart is so full and I could hardly sleep last night from excitement and disbelief. My husband and I are thrilled. We are due in April with a natural conceived child. It was not easy and I never thought I would see this day or these two pink lines. We spent 525 days waiting for this 1 unbelievable moment! Please keep us in your prayers for a healthy baby. I got my hcg taken today and will also Friday. I’m feeling so thankful god picked the perfect time for us. He saved us from months at the RE. I was so preoccupied and worried about waiting a week for my AMH results that I never once thought about conceiving this cycle...until my period was late. I have tender breasts. I feel fuzzy and off. Oh if you only could if seen me watching that test line pop up quick and clear as day. Even with clear urine! Hoping for a healthy little pea pod ♥️