Irregular periods & blighted ovum

Jessica • Wife|Mommy To Adelina S. Fernandez 👑 💕| Baby Boy due June 2020 💚🦖

I have been irregular since I first started my period, me and my husband been trying since last year, finally in May I was on clomid and I used preseed. In June I didn’t get me period but I didn’t think nothing of it because I’m always irregular but for them to put me back on clomid I had to go in to take a test to make sure I wasn’t pregnant, Well turns out it was positive! 2 weeks later I went in for my appointment and we just saw the sac my doctor told me to come back in 2 to make sure it wasn’t a blighted ovum but on July 4th I was having really bad cramps and started bleeding turns out I was having a blighted ovum. My doctor suggested to wait at least 3 months before trying again. Has anyone had irregular periods and then a blighted ovum and your period go back to being irregular?