Unbiased news sources

•K• • Life is good 💜

I'm interested in knowing where you ladies and gents prefer to receive information on current events and political issues. Personally, I prefer to read the news as opposed to watching it on TV. I also try to read from several different sources in order see issues from different perspectives.

What is your go to source for unbiased news? Does such a thing even exist anymore?

505 views • 1 upvote • 27 comments



Posted at
It's always funny to me when people say things like, "I don't know why people have to bash fox news, the other networks are just as bad." The truth is, they all lie, but no one lies as much as Fox News. 


.. • Jul 23, 2015
The annenberg institute. They aren't polls, they analyzed speech from the news anchors and rated statements on the t/f continuum


•K• • Jul 23, 2015
Is Politifact the source?


•K• • Jul 23, 2015
Who conducted these polls?


Posted at
I listen to/read NPR. Then I look at all different sources.


Christina • Jul 23, 2015
I always trust NPR. Definitely my favorite


.. • Jul 23, 2015
Love npr


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Posted at
I don't prefer TV news at all. It's too sensational. My preferred current events print news sources right now are BBC, The Economist, and NYT. For a good easy-to-read summary of academic research in all disciplines, I subscribe to Futurity by email -- try it out. Seriously, you won't regret it.   There's a media crisis in general, though, when all of the popular media networks are owned by only a few families/people.


Deema • Jul 23, 2015
How did I forget NPR!


Posted at
MediaBlackOut is a good one. I highly recommend both checking out their website and following them on Instagram


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NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and BBC are my favorites. I don't particularly like CNN or MSNBC, and Fox is literally the worst.


Milan • Jul 23, 2015
haha right!?


Friday • Jul 23, 2015
I love The Onion so much. So much dry satire, and it's delicious.


Milan • Jul 23, 2015
fox is less credible than the onion


Posted at
I don't think there is an unbiased news source! It is very amusing to read about the same story on CNN and Fox News. It's absolutely ridiculous how both stations are so biased in opposite directions. 


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i don't normally watch the news but i love jon stewart and stephen colbert and john oliver!


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I used to watch the Colbert Report, but he is off the era now.😭😭😭


January 🐠 • Jul 23, 2015
*air not era


Posted at
NPR is my top pick, but I listen to it less since I don't really drive anymore. I usually try to catch the CBS evening local & national news on week nights. For reading I like the NYTimes. If I want in depth info on a particular topic, and I have the time to study it, I try to pull up journal from a database.