Formula issues—- HELP!!


Hi folks! This may be long, so I apologize in advance. For starters I have a beautiful 10 week old baby girl. She was born at 36 weeks weighing 4lbs10oz. She had very low blood sugars so we had to supplement with formula from the moment she was born and let me tell you we have been through hell and back with trying to find the right formula. We began on gentle ease and quickly switched due to constant spit up and discomfort. She would grunt and groan all day and night and cry out as if she was being stabbed. We then tried a soy formula which made her constipated. The pediatrician then recommended that we use nutramigen. This formula seemed to help a little and she was finally able to go poop without needed assistance, however she seemed to spit up more frequently. she was then diagnosed with acid reflux and put on Zantac. Because of the reflux we were referred to a GI doctor. Thinking we finally solved the issues it was discovered that there were trace amounts of blood in my babies stool. Because of this they determined that my baby must have a Milk protein allergy and not able to digest the formula, even though it was already broken down. The GI then put her on Elecare and that’s when things got really scary! She only gained an ounce in two weeks and had episodes where she would turn bright red, cry out in pain and stop breathing for a few seconds before projectile vomiting everywhere (which had black specks in it) The GI doctor said that we did not give the formula a long enough try, but I refused to watch my child struggle that bad and it was honestly terrifying and I was too afraid to even sleep for fear she would stop breathing! I then took her back to the pediatrician and they said to try her back on soy and we would just manage the constipation with lactulose. For the first week she seemed great! She was finally smiling and seemed to have more moments of calm than discomfort, something that has never happened! However, in the last few days her symptoms seem to have come back. She is spitting up all the time again, is so bloated and gassy (her farts smell like something died up her butt!) and is grunting and crying out in pain again. I read that many babies who cannot tolerate milk proteins also cannot tolerate soy and I am starting to fear that she is allergic to this too. I am so exhausted and honestly at this point do not no what to do! I feel like we have tried everything and I don’t no if I would bring her back to the doctor or just wait until her next appointment. Are there even any other formulas left? What can I do!!