my birth story!!


Tuesday morning (Aug 7th) I came to the hospital at 530am for induction. mainly because my severe edema and carpel tunnel syndrome also my Dr was on call all day so we went with that day, I was 39w5days. they get me a room right away and start my pitocin almost immediately. I had been at 3.5 centimeters for a week or so prior so we all thought it would be easy peezy, we we're wrong! about an hour in Dr breaks my water and checks me(still3.5) my next few contractions started to hurt and it was all back labor! right at 4 centimeters my baby's heartrate started to decline, moved around a little bit and it was corrected. an hour later still at 4 centimeters it drops again! now I have all these nurses running in flipping me around pulling out oxygen mask and putting it to my face that part my husband said was the scariest part he intially thought they were grabbing the mask for another patient until they put it on me, his heart sank and so did mine. my Dr comes in and checks everything out she looks at me and says I don't like this one bit, we just got started and this is already happening, I knew what was coming next. emergency c section! I was beyond terrified and even pee'd myself on the table in the or right before I got my spinal 😂 I was so embarrassed but the nurses were awesome and made me feel better about it! I get numb which is the wierdest feeling in the world and they bring my husband in and now it's go time! I feel nothing at all just alot of tugging and pressure it was 20 minuets from spinal to finish until our son was being held over us. my husband and I started crying uncontrollably just absolutely sobbing! he's perfectly healthy and we could not be happier! welcome to the world Kesler James born on August 7th 2018 at 11:27am

6lbs 13oz 20in long