Is not preventing "trying"?

When my husband and I were engaged we regularly had unprotected no pull out intercourse. My family and friends ask was it a surprise? Were you trying? Just want people's opinion on the matter. (We did end up pregnant 3 months before wedding, and it wasn't that big of a deal)
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Posted at
Not preventing is trying. No you weren't tracking ovulation....or temp and fertile days, but I still consider it trying. 


Posted at
I disagree with not preventing is trying. Trying means TRYING. You're taking steps to become pregnant such as not pulling out, tracking ovulation, bbt, and so on. My husband and I are not currently trying to get pregnant. Our only form of bc is withdrawal and has been for 3+ years...that being said, if we were to get pregnant we wouldn't be upset or shocked that it happened. Do we want children right now? No we don't, but if it happens we're okay with it.


Natalie β€’ Jul 23, 2015
I agree


Posted at
Having sex (which makes babies) and not actively trying to stop conception is trying. You don't have to be taking ovulation tests or doing it on certain days to be trying. You're doing everything you need to to make a baby knowing that would likely be the outcome. 


Aria β€’ Jul 24, 2015


β€’Kβ€’ β€’ Jul 24, 2015
I agree.


Posted at
If you're not preventing you're asking for a baby! Or you don't care if you get pregnant, you can handle it. Unless you really don't know how babies are madeπŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚


Aria β€’ Jul 28, 2015


Ashley β€’ Jul 24, 2015
How are they made again?! πŸ˜‚


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On a mommies board I'm on we have a section called not trying, not preventing.. Meaning your not necessarily trying, but you don't care if you end up pregnant as a result of not preventing.


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No I dnt think it is. Trying to me would be making sure you have sex at a certain time (during ovulation) every month. If you didn't do that and just had sex whenever you felt like it then it wasn't really trying but more like whatever happens happens. 


Posted at
To me, not preventing = trying.


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I personally think it is, because you know that it may happen.


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I'm doing the exact same thing with my SO. We actually tried a year ago for a year and it became a chore.. I was frustrated and it put a lot of stress on us..That's when we decided not to "try" but not prevent..Months later and still no baby..But I'm not stressing like I was. 


Posted at
At the end of the day it's your business, nobody should be worried about it unless they in it to gossip.