Was she wrong? I say a lawsuit is perfect because this is out of line in my opinion! #StopPoliceBrutality

Phil • Phil-O-mena! Since someone thought I was a dude because of my name😊 but call me Phil . Hi yall.
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Posted at
This is so disgusting!!! This guy needs to have all of his retirement benefits taken away and he should be charged with assult and molestation. Honestly why did he feel the need to manhandle a naked woman like that?! And in front of her daughter?! Thank god they were recording! She was not wrong and this lawsuit is totally justfied. This makes me think about that case in California when the police attack that pregnant woman over a traffic dispute she had with another woman. These cops are out of control and they need to stop abusing their authority!


Posted at
Makes me sick. How people can still support the police force astounds me, and not in a good way. Animals are treated better compared to the way police officers treat black people. No crime is a justification for this kind of abuse. How these officers sleep at night I will never know. 


Posted at
Ugh. I just can't even with cops these days. Like if you're gonna "arrest" me. At least let me get dressed. "You don't have any clothes on?!?!" No dipshit. I don't take a shower with clothes on. Like if it was a domestic altercation why did he come at her so aggressively?!?!


Michelle💋 • Jul 23, 2015
He was waaay out of line. If it were me, they'd probably be arresting me for assault on an officer. I'd be fighting just so I can put some damn clothes on. lol.


Phil • Jul 23, 2015
That's what I was thinking!!! "You don't have clothes on"? Like come on guy really let's think for a minute! Smh


Posted at
Couple problems with this from my point of view with this video. And that was only clips so i dont have the full story of course.Why would she answer the door naked? It takes two seconds to put clothes on and im pretty sure the cops werent going anywhere. Second, yes she was naked but she was resisting arrest. Even though she didnt know why she was getting arrested, she shouldnt have been resisting.On the other hand, Police didnt have a search warrant to enter the homeHe never stated why she was getting arrested or read her the rights. He should have informed her to put clothes on before he even started talking to her.


Posted at
Sickening he should of been charged, and why was the officer standing around like a lemon. Bastards! 


Posted at
He should be fired, not allowed to retire with benefits! Ugh, that's so disturbing.


Posted at
Gross gross gross


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I don't fully get what happened or why the cop did that.. I wouldn't have freaked out like she did I would have been dude I'm gonna get dressed first then if you need to take me in you can, K?! Lol but Ya that cop is a douche I think he needs to be fired and not be allowed to ever work in that field again!