Need opinions on PTS


I’m moving 6 hours away and I’m having a hard time deciding if I should have one of my dogs put to sleep or not.

She has bone cancer and was diagnosed in April. The start of this year it wasn’t visible. By March she had a small limp. Now it’s the size of a baseball and she doesn’t that leg anymore.

She’s herself personality wise, but she gets cranky when she’s been in the crate for a while (like when I come home or waking up in the morning).

I don’t know if I should move and stress her out (she has bad anxiety, too. It used to be much worse with my ex)... or take her with me until she tells me she can’t live anymore.

Her main vet and a more advanced vet have refused amputation and surgery because its near her chest and she’s 9 years old.

My ex..... in jail awaiting trial.... has claimed to a judge that I stole his dogs and then when he cheated with our crazy stalker, they made a huge 10 part Instagram post saying I “killed the dog in the house” 🙄🙄🙄🙄

When she was diagnosed, he didn’t even come see her/us. She was diagnosed in April but he drove 2 hours to cheat and 2 hours back in a fucked up car 🙄🙄🙄🙄.

They’ve been at my house since December. He’s never even given me a bag of dog food for them. I’ve updated their shots, got their nails trimmed, taken her to the vet repeatedly, and the boy dog just got neutered at 3 years old.

My vets have assured me that humane euthanasia for such aggressive bone cancer will not EVER be seen as vindictive animal murder to any judge.... but his abuse and manipulation and threats have me terrified.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be selfish and keep her here, but I don’t want to be selfish and let her go before I start a new chapter in life 😪

I love her to death and she’s made so much progress with me. Even my ex said (when he was last over here) hes happy me and Roxy connected, because she hates everyone and even tried to rip off an ex’s arm and she’s chilled out since living with me.

I just feel like once again I got another “last chance” dog except this time the amount of time is just too short.