All the waiting was definitely worth it.


I went into the hospital August 6th ar 11:30 at night because I was having contractions. They checked me and I was 4 cm dialated and 80% effaced. They had me walk around for an hour to make sure I was dialating more, which was no easy feat considering my contractions were just getting worse. After an hour I was at 5 cm and about 90% so they decided to admit me. I went in there hoping to have an epidural free labor, however I reached the point where I could not breathe through the contractions and I asked and I am so glad that I did. I felt almost immediate relief. Theres a second plus to the epidural, they had to put in a catheter and that was easier because peeing is not easy when you're having a contraction every 2 minutes. at about 2 a.m when I asked for the epidural I was at 7 cm. I kept dialating about a centimeter an hour, they broke my water about 4 in the morning and eventually, at 6:25 a.m. on August 7th, after pushing 9 times and 7 hours laboring at the hospital she was here, finally. I honestly can't believe how much I love her and I'd go through labor over and over again just to be able to have her.