Help I’m confused


Hi I’m 26 and me and my husband just started trying to have a baby. I’ve been tracking my period since January. It’s always been a 28 day cycle and almost always 4 day period with two cycles of 5 days. So this month I got a very light period two days early! Not even enough to fill a tampon. This lasted about three days. I thought it could be implantation so I took a test but got a bfn. Then it turned into a normal heavier period but no cramps (which I always have bad cramps either on first or second day when period is the heaviest). Now on day 7 of period (I think hopefully today will be the last day). I’m confused not sure what’s going on. Has this happened to anyone else? I’ve read lots of threads on google that some women can have heavy implantation and period like bleeding. I also feel like I’ve had a few other symptoms but I think I’m over thinking everything that’s going on with my body now! Any insight would help!