Worried about running out of time


So, lately I have been stressing a bit over how many fertile years I have left. I’m 34, no kids yet, married for about a year. My husband and I have only ever vaguely talked about having children “someday”, and when we first got together six years ago that was fine. But now I’m starting to worry that we will wait too long and miss our chance.

I’m almost 100 percent sure my husband would say that he’s not ready for kids just yet. We are fine financially but I know he would like to have more money saved up before we have a family. And I totally understand and on one level agree with that. But I don’t think he fully understands that my body is on a timeline and we don’t have the rest of our lives to make this decision.

Lately I’ve just been worrying that we will end up waiting too long.

I know that it’s harder to get pregnant the longer you wait, but I also know plenty of women who have had babies in their late 30’s and early 40’s.

Am I being crazy to worry about this now?