a lot of my dreams come true so dreams upset me very easily


with all my pregnancies i have dreamt of them before i got pregnant. i even had a dream with my first that it was a girl names elizabeth and one month later found out i was pregnant and it was a girl and i names her alyssabeth (elizabeth). shes 12 on tuesday. then i have had a few miscarriages and i dreamt them b4 they happened also. i also have dreams that people show up at my door i wasnr excpecting and the next day these people really did show up at my door. i had a dream my father was going to die and someone else and months later they both did. i have had dreams that are so real like and it scares me because they are bad abour one my kids getting severely hurt or things that happen in my life thats bad. some have came true , others havent but it still scares me about them