BFP at 3wks 4days- line progression


Good morning!

I was smoking and starting around 3w2d I couldn’t finish a cig. “Blechhh the whole pack must be stale or something...”

I was bloated like a mo’fo.

And my boobs looked AWESOME! (Looked “full”, felt “heavy” and nipples were sensitive.)

I had already been taken a Prenatal with Iron, Folic and DHAnfor about 2months.

I knew we had sex multiple times during my O week. So I decided to test.

3w4d- after drinking vitamin water in the am

3w6d- FMU


Exactly at 4wks (aka yesterday lol) I was EXHAUSTED. No nausea yet.

And yes, I ripped the remaining cigs in half and threw them out, before anyone asks lol

Wish us luck!!!