Sister is PISSED that I am not going to her wedding.

So my sister decided to have a “destination wedding” because her fiancé is rich as hell so they can. Whatever. That’s cool. Enjoy your day. BUT it will cost guests around $2000 for every two people who attend. So if I were to go, I’d have to pay $2,200 just to go. That’s not including my bridesmaid dress or anything. I currently have $268 to my name. And honestly it’s not even like I have that because I have $81,000 in student loan debt that I’m going to have to start paying in two months. I don’t have a fancy job. I work at a grocery store right now. The $200 I have now will be gone in an instant once I pay my car and built up medical bills that I have. I don’t have the funds to go and she doesn’t understand that. I’d LOVE to go. But I fucking can’t. And she’s getting mad at me about it and telling me I’m a bad sister and I don’t care about her. Which isn’t true. I want to go. I want to go to my sisters wedding. Why would I not? But now that she’s with a rich guy, she’s lost touch of reality and the fact that many people can’t afford that shit. Ugh. I’m so frustrated about it. My parents can’t help because they can’t even afford theirs. Her fiancé and my sister are paying for the parents but anything else is “out of budget.” My grandma can’t go either and they are pissed at her too. Why have a destination wedding if you’re going to be upset that not everyone can come?