My crush babysitting me

Little backstory to this, it might help you interpret it. Only the important stuff though.

1. My crush is 2 years older than me

2. I’ve been babysitting a lottttt lately

3. Last year my crush put so much trust in me he would’ve told me anything and everything I wanted to know

4. My friend broke his trust and he blamed it on me

5. We stopped being as good of friends as we were before

6. We recently started talking more

Now the dream.

I dreamt that my crush and I were talking at school and he showed me a picture on his phone and it was of my backyard.

I looked at him and said “did you take that from my bedroom window?” and he said no, he took it from my neighbour’s bedroom window. (who is a little girl he doesn’t babysit for in real life) Then I said “oh yeah, I forgot you babysit there.” Then my dream skipped a bit and suddenly he was at my house. Babysitting me. At first it was basically just us hanging out as friends.

Then he tried to pull the button off of the fly of my jeans (I forget why) and I said “hey!! I need that!” So he pretended to give me a hug and then pulled it off, so I told him to give me his button for me to sew on to mine as a replacement.

He did. Then my mom came home, paid him, and he left on his bike. I hopped on my bike and started biking to the store to buy a needle and thread. On the way there I ran into a girl from my school. (Who hates me but I want to be friends with her) Her and I started talking and becoming friends, and then I woke up. PLEASE!!! Can someone dissect this dream?? I know it’s a little long but still...I need you to!!! thanks in advance. o