My 8/8/18 baby


I finally can tell my baby story since she in the nursery and I miss her so much. She really only been gone 20 mins but I can’t sleep til they bring her back. But long story but here’s my birth story.

I went in to my 39 week appointment on 8/6 thinking everything was gone be usual . After taking my blood pressure three times she told me it was still high. The doctor came in the room and told me she was sending me to the hospital. I got so scared and excited and nervous lol. I left my appointment and went home and ate, showered, and finished packing my bags. I got to the hospital at 3:00 and I had taken the last room. After I checked in they got me started on picotin. I was one cm dilated. After awhile they came back and I was at a 4 and still wasn’t really feeling any pain. I got to be 6 cm and by then I was asking for iv meds which all that did was make me tired where I was fighting to keep my eyes open but momentarily it relieved the pain. Even I asked for the epidural and I got it. I still wasn’t making progress from a 6 so they up the pictotin

. Eventually I made progress to a 9 after awhole day. I started to push and after two hours of pushing baby was still high up. I was so tired I was falling asleep in between contractions and in pain cause the epidural had wore off. Ppl were talking to me and I couldn’t comprehend what they were saying it’s like I was sleep with my eyes open. The doctor even came in and checked me and said it’s 50/50 to him . I could have a C-section or keep pushing. I yelled C-section and they had me talk it over with my partner and mom. I was just so tired I knew I couldn’t keep pushing so I got a C-section. All I remember is being wheeled into the room and it being very cold that I was shaking . I remember him asking questions and I was so in and out of it. It all happen so fast to me. I remember my parter saying look they showing her to you and I looked up and seen my baby. At 9:43 a.m on 8/8/18 my baby girl was born. Weighing 7lbs and 14oz. I remember looking over and her father was gone and I had so many ppl in my face talking and smiling and I could feel what felt like the doctor fixing me up. I don’t remember being wheeled back into recovery room or anything much after that . I eventually got to hold my baby. My birth story didn’t go how I planned and it’s probably some stuff missing but I can’t remember it all. I would do it all over cause it was definitely worth


I just love her . She so perfect to me.