HSG Test done!!!

Monica • 💍Happily married to my BFF 💍 👶🏾TTC Baby #1👶🏾 💕Loving life and it's loving me right back 💕

I was finally able to have my HSG test done. I couldn't do it last month because the office had absolutely 0 openings. But I got it done last week, and everything came back normal. Thankfully all our tests have come back normal!!!! Unfortunately this didn't leave enough time to start Clomid this cycle, so I'm trying not to rush it but I'm so ready to get this cycle done and over with. My doctor will schedule a consultation to discuss our next steps. It's so crazy because we've been trying for about a year now, and even though I'm happy all the tests are normal, I can't help thinking but why isn't it happening??? But either way, I'm super excited to get this thing started.