Water broke at 38 weeks gestation

Ashleigh • Nolan Christopher 7/20/15👶🏼💙 Lucas John 05/31/18
My water broke at 2pm on July 19th, we got to the hospital and I was 3 centimeters. Got the epidural an hour or two after getting to the hospital (IT IS A LIFESAVER!! Kudos to women who can labor through without it) Got checked around 9pm and was 4 centimeters. Finally was 8 centimeters at 3am and started pushing at 5am. The only painful part of labor was crowning😬 and shaking constantly from the epidural. After birth was definitely the most painful part, got a second degree tear😓
But in the end our Nolan Christopher was born at 6:45am on July 20th. Weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. Best day of my life!!! He is so beautiful and sweet!😍😭 I am in love👶🏼💕💘