Is it wrong for me to be annoyed when a woman whines about TTC for literally a few months and I’ve been waiting years??

Daezhane • 29 years old, Mummy to an angel.. Courtney 30.03.2015 💔🌥

I know everyone is different but doesn’t it annoy you when someone thinks TTC for 8 months has been the longest process, but after 4 years your still trying with NOTHING and still being told not give up/have faith or even stop thinking about it soo much??!! 😡✋🏽

I personally know women who have been TTC for longer than 4 years and have had such a difficult time.

Congrats to all the women that get their BFP after a few months or weeks, but after the excitement maybe stop to think for a few minuets about the women who have been TTC for years with NO LUCK and are so desperately hoping for a miracle!!

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