Need to tell my BFF that’s been TTC for 8 years that I’m pregnant

lifeintechnicolour • navy spouse • Mom of 3 girls • 🇨🇦

Title pretty much sums this up.

My bestest friend in the whole world has been struggling with fertility for 8 years now. I’ve helped her through every <a href="">IVF</a> procedure, her miscarriage, her breakdowns, everything. She’s been through absolute hell while TTC and she’s still going through with it. She’s currently on an experimental <a href="">IVF</a> treatment.

That being said, yesterday I found out I’m pregnant after 2 months of TTC. I never told her I was trying to get pregnant in the first place, because if it happened quickly (which it did) it would just add to the inevitable sting once I tell her.

Any advice on how I should go about this? She’s the person I tell everything to, and I want her to know before my family and our overall announcement. She’s been my best friend for 27 years, and this is the first time I’ve ever been afraid to talk to her. I don’t want to hurt her, and I know she’ll be happy for me, but she’s also going to be upset and I absolutely don’t blame her for that.

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Hey, Congratulations on your pregnancy! No matter how you tell her it will sting, not because she is not happy for you but because she is unhappy for herself. Just tell her you were trying ... and it happened for you ... and until her baby comes she can help you navigate pregnancy if that is what she wants to do. Good luck.