TMI praying it's working


I have pcos, no period. my uterine lining is thick. just found out i have uterine cancer. my RE and gyno oncologist put me on megace 80mg a day to try and shed my lining as well as keep the cancer from growing so that I can try one last time to get pregnant. I been ttc for almost 12 years with no luck. today is day 3 on it. all day been feeling odd feelings in my uterus. tonight had sex, went pee after, heard a plop sound. after I was done I looked in the toilet and didnt see anything. I flushed and seen something dark go down, it must have been under the tp.. wasn't a blood clot. praying it was part of my lining. I started to bleed while having sex. not a huge amount, but it was bright red. I wasnt bleeding before sex, and it wasnt enough to make a blood clot that size. I'm praying since I just had polyps removed in surgery and the megace, it's my linking shedding! anyone been on megace? if so how long did it take to work for you?