I can’t be the only thing I’ve ever wanted

My whole life I have only ever wanted to be a mom. I would pretend to have a pregnant belly as a little girl or use a gel deodorant stick and pretend to get an ultrasound. I researched baby products in middle school dreaming about being able to put together a registry. I had a baby doll that I sometimes even brought out as a freshman in high school just to hold and pretend it was my baby for a little bit until I got embarrassed and put it away. I grew up and was a nanny to little babies for such a long time. Maybe it’s pathetic or weird, I don’t know...but when I finally got married and was financially ready and agreed with my amazing husband that it was time, I thought it would happen. And here I am 13 months later and it’s still not happening. I feel like a failure. I’m letting myself down. My husband is fantastic and he’s willing to let it take as long as it will but every month I get my period I feel like a little piece of that little girl dies because she will never be the only thing she ever wanted to be. 😭😢