
I have a four month old kitten named Aladdin. He’s super sweet and super cute but he’s not the brightest... he was hand raised by my family from when he was 5 days old so he doesn’t really have a cat to teach him how to be a cat. I have an older cat that is good with him but he’s really lazy... Anyways he knows how to clean himself but he just started cleaning his rear end. He was sitting licking himself and was super proud and telling him how good of a boy he is (don’t judge me this cat is like my baby😂) when all the sudden he screamed. I looked at his rear and I noticed his penis had come out and he bit it. He wasn’t bleeding and he took a few minutes to recover but then he was fine. I just felt so bad for him because his poor nuts already get hit a lot (he has bigger nuts than normal kittens) and now he bit his penor. I feel bad but he’ll figure it out eventually 😂

Also here’s some pictures of him just because 💙

Baby to now...