Very late birth story 💙
Our second baby boy is due to be born by csection in 3 weeks time and it’s made me rethink my first labour! Our oldest son will be six on Sunday so their won’t be long between their birthdays!
*sorry may be long!*
I had a sweep done by my midwife at 39+6, 2cm dilated at that point and lost my bloody show not long afterwards. I got very excited and thought things were going to happen!
3 days later and still no pains, no aches nothing! I tried everything: pineapple, walks, hot food, sex! Nothing.
By 40+5 I was fed up. I gave up. I just wanted to rest so organised a pamper day with my best friend the next day.
Went to bed that night ready for a lovely sleep and my waters went about 2am! Not the big gush like the films, just a small patch in bed and soaked underwear. I put a pad on and tried to get back to sleep. By 7am I’d given up and rang the hospital. As I wasn’t haven’t any contractions they told me to keep active and ring back about 2pm (12 hours after water breaking!)
Spent the whole day walking, whilst leaking waters which was so hard to do! I went through about 7 pads as it just would not stop leaking out!! Rang the hospital who told me they were too busy for me to come in (still no pains) and to come in at 9pm!
9pm finally comes round and me and my (now husband) boyfriend get to the hospital. I’m hooked up to an IV for antibiotics as my waters had been gone for a while. Midwife explained she’d insert a pessary behind my cervix to help start contractions but to not bet on any progress for the night.
They sent my other half home ‘for some rest’ and I was so angry! Like he needs the rest 😂
contractions started within half an hour and were very close together and strong from the start. All I was allowed pain wise was paracetamol so I had two of them and kept labouring in the bath. I just couldn’t get comfy, in and out all night! By 6am I’d had enough and they moved me to delivery suite and called my partner and Mum.
They checked me and I was now 6cm and started on gas and air. I was having back labour as he’d decided to move around and it was so painful! I laboured most of the time stood up over the bed, whilst still leaking a lot of fluid and blood! Never seen my other half look so sick haha!
By 12 we were ready to push! But the gas and air (and no sleep for two days!) had tired me out so much, between contractions I’d fall asleep. My contractions started getting further apart and I’d wake up to everyone staring at me 😂
I tried my hardest but he just would not come out. We pushed for an hour and a half before they tried forceps to help me along, he still wouldn’t come out! So I got taken to theatre for an emergency section.
I’d been so calm, quiet and relaxed during my whole labour but as soon as I heard that I lost it! I cried until he was there. I felt like I’d failed (although not long after that changed and I’ve always wanted another section since!)
He finally arrived at 2.10pm, 7lbs 11.5oz of pure gorgeousness 💙 Max Kenneth Grice, 41 weeks exactly.
My recovery was great, just paracetamol for pain relief, discharged after 4 days and back to normal after a week or so. Signed off to drive at 4 weeks post partum.
I’m sad I won’t get to see what would happen this time round but I just know it’s quicker and safer for us to go for a section again. Nobody could tell me (or seemed to know!) why max would not come through the final bend, so I don’t want to take that chance again.
I’ll add some pics over the years 💙
I sit and read all these birth stories every night before I go to sleep and I cannot wait to meet our second baby boy soon.
His first pic! (By the time I was out of surgery and stitched up he was washed, dressed and fed 🙁 the only part I feel I missed out on and hope I get this time around!)

Can see the bruises from the forceps here.


6 week photo shoot

18 month photo shoot

3 year photo shoot

His most recent school picture - so grown up!

Walking me down the aisle last September.

My little family of three 💙

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.