not being able to carry a baby


hello ladies me and my husband have been married for a year and 5 months we dated for 5 years and he and I both know that there was a chance that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant because I have chronic kidney disease so we went to a high risk pregnancy doctor 2 weeks ago and he recommended that I do not get pregnant well now my husband is acting like if I never told him that there was a chance that I couldn't get pregnant and is putting all the blame on me how could I help him see that we could have a baby by adopting or doing it the surrogate way. he will not talk to me and he will not open up he is just blaming me with his whole family and saying that I never told him that I couldn't have kids I'm just wondering if someone is in the same situation and can you give me advice. I know it's hard I cried and I made my peace with it and I'm ready to move on to trying to adopt or do the surrogate way. it just hurts that he's act this way, and yes I know that he is hurting too.