Sister Drama

🌹Rose🌈🎶 • FTM since 12/23/18 <3

Heads up. This is a RANT.

I feel like my older sister wrecked my decision whether or not to tell people our baby's gender.

In short we have always had an uneasy relationship. She and her husband have always struggled with money and now have some significant debt. My husband and I do NOT make more than them. We have just made different financial decisions.

That being said now I'm pregnant she has been super helpful showing me the "mom ropes" which I am so grateful for.

We did an entire afternoon of shopping the other day then, as I am about to head home... She tears a strip and, among several hurtful things that are too much for this rant, that it's not fair they struggle with money while we don't.

Then in the same breath she says, "I need to know your baby's gender and want to do a reveal party. I NEED to go shopping and buy you guys gender specific stuff."

Well great. Now if we do a reveal she will buy things they have said they can't afford whether I want her to or not. And I don't. I set up a second hand registry for a reason.

Trying to say point blank "Even if I find out we aren't telling and this is why" will not work. I wish it would. The only way I see out safely is, even if we do find out, simply saying "Oh they tried but we couldn't find out." Which is really just... Really sad.