Bed rest for 1 week

Whitney 🎀
What a day yesterday! I went to my doctors appointment (33w3d). Everything was perfectly fine but as soon as I stepped off the scale I felt a lot of wetness. I thought my water broke. The nurse brings to the room and all we see is blood dripping down my legs. Doctor comes in and checks cervix. I'm not dialted. He does an ultrasound and everything looks good. He doesn't know why I'm bleeding. So he put me in the hospital to monitor me. He said if the bleeding doesn't stop and increases baby will have to be delivered. I was so scared. After a few hours he comes and check the monitor. Baby is perfectly happy and doing great and my bleeding is getting better. I got discharge but have to be on bed rest for at least 1 week. I just pray that this doesn't happen again so I can go full term :( I'm due September 9.