The scariest day (bleeding scare)

So I'm finally pregnant after 1.5 years ttc and then 2 rounds of <a href="">ivf</a>. Everything was going really well. Hcg climbing rapidly, progesterone started off low but is now 160... Even saw a foetal heart beat on Thursday (2 days ago) AND THEN yesterday I went to the toilet and there was LOTS of blood. Like as if I'd started my period! Totally and completely freaked out!! Called obgyn and he got me an emergency u/s for the next morning. Needless to say I did not sleep even one minute and the drive to the u/s was prob the most anxious of my life. BUT as soon as she started the scan she could see my tiny baby and it's perfect heart beat!! She did an extensive scan and couldn't find a single thing wrong that could have caused it! I'm the most relieved I've ever been but so traumatised!! Has this happened to anyone else?