Premature Ovarian Failure


Premature Ovarian Failure....those three words are tearing my heart apart.

It’s not 100% confirmed yet for me, but my dr thinks it’s highly likely I will be diagnosed with it. I have an appointment with radiology and an OBGYN in the next 2 weeks. I’ll know then for sure...but until then all I can do is wait.

I’m crushed. I’m 25 and the thought of infertility is crushing my soul. I know there are plenty of options out there. But it’s a hard pill to swallow right now.

There are no infertility problems that run in my family. My maternal grandmother had three daughters. My mother, who had three children, my aunt who had three children, and my other aunt who had five children. My biological father has had nine children. So why me?

How do I deal with the uncertainty, how do I deal with the fear, the anxiety, the depression. Maybe I’m being dramatic. But I need help. I need positivity. My family is extremely supportive, but none of them know the fear I feel. None of them have gone through anything like this....even in a supportive room, I feel alone.

I guess I’m just reaching out to know how others had dealt with it, or what they are doing to currently deal....