41 and seriously think I’ve hit peri menopause


I’ve posted before about desperately wanting another child. I’m 41 and have had the most strange week/period. Spotted for 2 days but hardly anything so thought af was on its way again. But nothing since. I’ve had nausea headache temperature but no real blood flow. I’m scared to take a test to show a negative and finally have to accept my maternity days are over. It’s nothing like I’ve felt before. Spoken to my husband and friend and they say I’m too young and fit but I have no family history to compare and no one to advise. I don’t want my baby making days to be over I’m craving itching and desperately yearning for a baby. I wish this broodiness will go away. I live in a small village and my Dr isn’t great. Not much choice. Do I just let it be and see how it goes or ??? Any advice. Help please. I’m too young to feel so old and useless and a failure xxx