No. Im not the nanny, Im her mother 🙄

Ashley • Army Wife 🇺🇸 , Mama to three beautiful girls💕 Baby #4, our first boy is on the way! 💙

So my daughter is mixed but looks fully white (minus her features) I am Guyanese and my husband is white (Scandinavian, Irish, and Jewish) So yea, I get the comments and stares 🙄 I constantly get “oh shes YOUR daughter?” “Are you her nanny?” I think the worst one was when someone straight up asked me, If I had any part in the creation of MY child smh

Um...yes, i labored for 32 hours and vividly remember it all 😂 Shes 6 months old now, and at first I would laugh but now its so annoying lol Anyone else have this problem?