All mental illness is not made equal


I’m posting this because I see often times on here people dismiss or downplay someone else’s mental illness because well “everyone has mental illness” “everyone struggles” “I also have depression or anxiety and I can do this and that”. Mental illness has varying degrees and different things that come with it for each person.

I am fairly severely mentally ill where I have spent that past 11 years barley being able to achieve or get things done in my life, it is a daily struggle for me because my mind has lost a lot of it’s executive functioning skills even when i am not in an episode. So just because you see that as an “excuse”, it’s really no ones right to tell me I’m making excuses until you are in my mind.

It is not so simple for everyone to pull themselves up and like I said there a varying degrees of struggle so please understand that what you went through or what you go through may be a lot or nothing at all to someone else.

Mental illness is not a one size fits all. It comes in all different ways, at all different times, and in all different degrees.