Can this be the cause?


I recently changed doctors to try and find the source of my extremely bad period cramps. When going through a routine checkup she noticed I had an enlarged thyroid. My periods last about 8 days, I have bad cramping for about 1-2 days. So bad I shake, vomit, diarrhea, no pain medication helps either. It is also every 21 days starting when my period starts.

I recently did ultrasounds. I did a regular one on the outside of my uterus, a transvaginal one, and finally a thyroid ultrasound. During the thyroid one the technician made the remark “oh I think I see the problem”. It almost looked like a growth on the thyroid.

After doing research I found out that all my symptoms ( which I thought was endometriosis) coincided with an under active thyroid. I have yet to see my doctor to talk about what she found. I see her on the 28th I think.

Does anyone else have this same problem?