Stronger odor than usual?

idk if it's normal i keep seeing people talking about like a stronger odor could be bv but i don't think it smells bad? it's not really fishy or salty i don't think just a little musky, im worried that maybe other people can smell it honestly. I've never had a strong odor before but just recently I've noticed that I can smell myself in that area a lot more than usual? Like it's just a lot more noticable I think. It doesn't bother me I just wanna make sure if it's normal or if I should worry about it.

I ride my bike basically everywhere (i don't have a car) and it's been really hot out lately so maybe it's just sweat or something but I just wanna know if it's something I should be bothered by or worried about.

I also haven't had sex in like 2 months and haven't been masturbating much lately so idk if that affects anything.