Need to vent

So me and my husband got in a fight today and I’m upset and would like some advice if I reacted wrong is he the one wrong bcs he’s never seems to agree with me and always gets so mad at me & blames me for everything. Ok so my husband and I have been married 6 yrs we have 3 kids he has two kids from a previous relationship his son is 15 and daughter 13. They come and visit when ever there mom can bring them since there mom decided to move out of town knowing the kids won’t be able to see his dad that often. Any way His daughter was down last weekend since if we her birthday and wanted money for her birthday. So she she basically only comes when she needs money. So I knew she had gotten something for her birthday. So I asked my husbad today what he got his oldest daughter for her birthday and he said money she wanted money so I gave her money I asked how much he said 300. I said why so much that’s a lot you had just gave her 100 the previous weekend. And before everyone starts chewing me out I don’t mind he gives her money but for a 13 I think it’s a lot and she’s getting use to when ever she wants money she comes and expects that much. And like I said i don’t Mind he doesn’t pay child support bcs her mom has full custody of her and he does of his son. The reason why I’m mostly upset is bcs I stay home I don’t work So when I ask him for money he says we don’t any we can’t be spending and how we have so much bills this and that so I told him today you know I think it’s unfair how you are being with you’re money. And I say his money bcs it’s his account I’m not on there and I have no access to it. I only get 500 deposited to another account and I get to buy what we need at home with that money he pays all the bills basically takes care of all the finances. We are always late on paying stuff I’ve asked him to leave his card for I can pay bills stuff like that and he refucess. It’s like he doesn’t want me to know how much is on there what’s it’s getting spend on or anything so that’s upsetting. So I asked him today why is that he’s willing to give his daughter so much money when she asks and i get a limit and have no access to anything else. I get that I don’t work and maybe sometimes spend it on other stuff like eating out or whatever my girls want but I have a limit. And I have to make it work. There’s been times where I’ve asked him for money and he says he doesn’t have money to give me that I should get a job. I 3 girls and since we had our first child we both agreed I would stay home and raise the girls so we didn’t have to pay for child care. One is already in school the other two are not. So that was our agreement anyways. If we need stuff for the house he goes and gets it I can’t use his card and I don’t understand why. So today yes I was upset and told him how he’s so unfair and is willing to give his daughter money when ever she wants and is unfair with me. He said his daughters mom doesn’t make enough and sometimes they don’t have enough to eat. Which is bull shit his daughters mom has two jobs dental assistant and a night job and it’s only his daughter and her mom. You can’t tell me can’t provide for one child when you have two jobs my mom raised 5 kids alone and worked two jobs and we never needed anything from my dad. So dismiss me with that crap. If her mom doesn’t know how to manage her money and isn’t responsible enough to buy grocery’s for her and one child is her problem she wanted full custody of her and not the son bcs she couldn’t take care of both so now she can’t take care of her only child she has custody off. She’s full of shit. And every her dad asks his daughter to come see his she starts with if my moms doesn’t have money but yet she is the one that chose to move miles away. So I know he’s giving her mom gas money before. Is just upsetting I know it’s his kid and all but since when is the mom his problem I feel like that’s not his problem. Or what is he suppose to worry and take care of them financially too. The thing that gets me the most is how unfair he is being I don’t understand why he’s being so secretive with his money. He told me that he’s going to be giving them money weather I like it or not. And that I just have to deal with it. And I said well is that why you are being so secretive with you’re money bcs you are spending it one them too? I told him since when does he care that her moms doesn’t make enough money and can’t buy food for her daughter. I asked him if he regretted leaving her and or why all of a sudden he cares so much about there well being. Am I wrong? Was I over over reacting? Also i am upset he forgot our little 6 year old birthday that was yesterday and he didn’t even bother today to make it up to her or bothered to even get her a cake nothing. I feel he’s being unfair. So I told him since he make it clear that my opinion doesn’t matter and that I will never have any rights to his money or anything then maybe it’s best that we just go our separate ways and he can just do as he pleases. I feel he’s not being honest and hiding something and just simply doesn’t respect me. What do you guys think?