Someone help me! I need advice 💔

I recently found out that I am pregnant, I’m 19. By the time I have the baby I will be 20. Last year at 18 I ended up having a medical abortion and from then I decided I would never go through the horror of it again. Before anyone says anything about me being careful I have been and both times on different contraceptives they have failed. I have the same boyfriend I did then, he’s 23 and is ready to step up and be a father and so I am preparing myself for the fact that I soon will be a mother. I’m absolutely terrified as I know that I am too young in my parents minds and I don’t know how to break it to them. The last time I was pregnant I told my mum and she urged me to have a termination as I was too young and told me not to tell my dad. Mostly the reason why I did end up terminating my first😔 I was hoping that someone can give me advice.. any... I feel alone at the minute as I’ve told nobody but my boyfriend and I’m not sure how I can keep being strong about all of this. Plus I start university in September which luckily will only be a part time course so I know that in a few years at least I will be guaranteed to be able to give my child everything I need but that is years away and doesn’t help me right now. If anyone can help to make me feel I can do this then I would be so grateful ❣️