Glow Buddies Help!

I recently went to my OB/GYN for a preconception apointment/problem appointment due to scheduling issues on the offices fault I had to see a Nurse Practitioner. I'm not saying all Nurse Practitioners are bad but this one really was. So maybe you can clear some things up. I have been off my Nexplanon bc implant since February I got a regular period but when I tested for LH it came back that I had no surges this month was the first month I have had an LH surge but only came back positive one day. When I asked the NP about that she said "well you got one day so at least you have that". And I asked her about sex and how often, and is there anything she recommends for us to do. She said for us to have sex as much as possible during those days. I left the dr office crying. So I am asking you all to help. She brushed off my problems & told me false info.