Nonstop abscesses???


Basically about 6 months ago my husband started getting abscesses, painful horrible ones like 5 at a time in one armpit, then started in the other, then his butt, doctors gave him antibiotics and said it was something chronic I forgot the Name. But I was like alright that makes sense. Then after like 2-3 weeks he would get them again and needed more antibiotics. It was constant for months, surprisingly it hasn't shown up again after his last treatment and he ended up with this crazy infection in his arm that even the doctors couldn't understand what caused it, it literally swelled up his entire muscle and ate through his muscle, they gave him a different set of antibiotics that cover skin infections including mrsa though they couldn't determine the cause. After his outbreak months back ive been getting them myself, we've even moved since then, doctors said it isn't contagious. Even his sister began getting them and her daughter who's one years old, what on earth is causing them