Any food addiction/eating out of boredom tips?


Hey guys. So basically, about a year and a half ago I started to get sick from some issues. I had lost all my appetite and couldn't eat. This caused me to drop from 340 pounds to 180 very quickly. Something that was a bit bittersweet as I wasn't doing it in a healthy way. But, in January I quit smoking. And suddenly I got INSANE chocolate cravings. Something I was told would happen . And I've noticed myself falling back in to those habits of eating when bored, which I'm afraid will lead back in to food addiction which I've suffered with all my life. I'm afraid that now my health issues are better and I have more of an appetite that I'm going to revert.

Do any of you have any tips or solutions to eating out of boredom, over eating, or food addiction in general? I don't want to go back and I've already gained 20 pounds back since January. So far I've got two which I thought I might share as well. One, MANGOS! I'm replacing mangos with chocolate. And it works for the most part. And my second is almond milk. I'll fill a water bottle with 16 ounces (100 calories) of almond milk and more or less sip on it to "fill myself up" or satisfy that eating out of boredom desire. I often won't want to finish it as it'll fill me up. And I notice that sipping on 16 ounces of almond milk is way better than tempting myself with those 100 calorie snack packs.

By the way, distracting myself doesn't always work. But I'm open to any tips or solutions. The food addiction seems to be creeping back in to where even when I try to distract myself, I will sit there thinking about eating.

Thanks in advance for any comments.