Study Group


I had just transferred to a new college after earning two associate degrees to get my bachelors degree. The field I was planning on going into was female dominated so it wasn’t a big surprise that there was only one or two guys in any of my classes. Since all my classes were directed towards my major several of the same people were in multiple classes so a few of us girls decided to form a study group to get though the classes. Before one of these classes this group of girls and occasionally one guy would get together and talk. Somehow our conversation always turned into a conversation about sex education and how much it was needed. This would almost always turn into talking about our sex lives. Our body counts, birth control and different types, if we were using them or not, types of sex, what our boyfriends thought about it, tips for different things. Honestly I think I knew a little too much about these girls. One had a IUD and had only slept with two guys. One of the two she admitted to once rapping him. Another had a count of five but had a lot of good tips. She had the shot. At the time I had only ever had oral sex once. I wasn’t on anything and recovering from a surgery. Another was a virgin who was on the pill to control her cycle. Another was a twin from a very strict family that you basically had to be engaged to even be alone with a guy for five minutes. The other that I can remember was pregnant but at the time didn’t know it. There were usually about seven of us total. Eight if the guy showed up.

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