Does this make any sense?


My MIL accused me of trying to "turn" my son gay because of this post

The article I shared to begin with talks about enforcing mature relationships with babies IN GENERAL, which was what I was the main point. I don't want people pushing the idea that he's gotta have adult relationships in his mind when he's just a kid, like let him do his thing he all he cares about is eating and sleeping right now. My little blurb was just an extra tidbit complaining about how it always has to be heteronormative, to me it's just as wrong asking a 5 year old boy "is that your girlfriend?" As it is to ask him if it's his boyfriend. Just let kids have friends! She'll say he's gonna "get all the ladies" and it erks me is because it's essentially telling him that he's expected to be straight and that can be damaging. I want him to grow up knowing it's okay to like whoever he likes or even no one at all. The benefits of doing that would be for one: doesn't feel pressured to be someone he isn't two: He'll trust me

Three: He'll know I'll love and accept him no matter what.

You completely twisted the whole point of the post, im not sitting there and telling him being straight is abnormal and being gay is, the point is that I'm not gonna push him one way or the other.

This was her response

So because I want him to know that being gay is normal then to her that means I want him thinking being straight is abnormal? Both are normal why does it have to be one or the other?