Is it safe to sleep on your back?


I'm 11 weeks & I can't get comfortable sleeping on my side.! Is it ok to sleep on your back.?
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It's ok, I've read that after 20 weeks you should sleep on your left. Sleeping on your back can put pressure on an artery and laying on your left gives out better blood supply and oxygen to the baby. I jused to love sleeping on my right but after reading that I worked on getting used to sleeping on my left, now I can only sleep on my left 😂


Krizia • Jul 26, 2015


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It's okay now. When you're further along, try putting a pillow wedged under your back so you can get the best of both and so that you're not flat on your back.


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Yes it's okay. Your baby is still tinny at this point, will not press on your major  vessels to interrupt circulation to fetus. Later in the pregnancy always avoid sleeping on your back!


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Yes. I feel like your lungs would probably get more air that way