Smoking around pregnant women

Mandi 😈💀 • Expecting #2 August '15!
I know most people here aren't smokers, but let's play a hypothetical game here. Imagine you were a smoker (cigarettes), and you were hanging out with a woman you knew was pregnant. You announce you're going to step outside to have a smoke, and she follows you. Do you still light up, or do you not now that she is near you out of respect for her fetus?
I ask because I have a friend who just announced her pregnancy, and I know she will do this. I don't feel comfortable smoking around pregnant women, but some don't mind I suppose (not me, once I found out I was pregnant and quit I don't even like walking past the smokers, it makes me want to smoke! Plus second hand smoke is still horrible for the baby). What would you do, smoke around them because they are making that choice to be there while you are smoking? Or not smoke around them.

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