37 weeks 3 days with twins

So twins average on being born at around 36 weeks. Well I'm 37 weeks 3 days and after being in preterm labor once at 30 weeks and stopping it with medication and then again at 31 weeks and stopping it, I'm very proud to have held my babies as long as I have. But my mom said she has done some research that sometimes after taking the medication to stop contractions that it will prevent you from going into labor naturally. Now, I don't if that's true or not. I had my doctors visit at 37 weeks and I was 90% effaced and 3 cm dilated. I now have probably a good 7 pound baby and a good 6 pound baby in there and I feel like my body is just going to rip apart! I don't want to be induced nor will my doctor induce me unless medically necessary and we are going for a vaginal delivery. So anyways, what has worked for you in the past to get labor going?