His love overwhelms me daily

I hear women say all the time "How did I get so lucky to have my man?" I've been saying that for a while now about my husband.

I am 28 weeks along now. Since the beginning of this pregnancy my husband has worked his butt off to provide and take care of me and our unborn daughter. He has constantly built my confidence up but yet I am still amazed at what he does for me daily. The sacrifices that he makes are more than a lot of men out there.

Since about week 5 of pregnancy I have had an issue with my blood pressure going way up to the point where I almost pass out whenever I get to emotional, to excited, or start doing much of any physical activity. Well... as you can imagine that has caused a bit of an issue in our sex life. Yet he has been patient and takes the extra time to make sure that we go slow and stop whenever and I mean WHENEVER I start to even look like I'm having an issue.

Today we got a little carried away and my blood pressure shot through the roof. I ended up so out of it I was seeing two of him, I couldnt focus on his face, I couldnt hold myself in a sitting position, and I threw up. This man of mine just held me and the cup as I threw up. He gave me water and held my hair away from my face. Then he put my pajamas on me and layed me down and cuddled as I was going in and out of being able to respond to him.

And on top of that he said; "Babe I think we just need to take a break from playing around until after the baby is born. Your blood pressure doing this isn't good and my main concern is to make sure that you and our little girl are safe."

I started crying and said something along the lines of how I felt worthless because all I wanted to do was take care of him and love him. I felt like I wasn't worth anything because I can barely do anything anyway for him some days and now I can't even please him.

This man of mine put his hand on my chin and lifted my face up so that he could look in my eyes and he said; "Baby, you are worth the world to me. You help me so much in ways that you dont even realize. You are my wife and I want to take care of you. When we got into this relationship we both agreed that sex was not the #1 priority but that the health and wellbeing of each other was, right?"

Ladies, we have 12 weeks until our baby girl is due and then the 6 weeks of recover. That is 18 weeks. Basically 4-5 months that he is not just willing to wait because I've asked but he has on his own said that he will wait because he is worried about me and our daughter.

I honestly am so in love with this man. We've been together since November of 2016 when he told me in a Burger King parking lot at 4 am that he loved me and was willing to wait as long as it took and would do anything that it took to spend the rest of his life with me (mind you we had met less than two months before this when I started working at the same place that he was working at). In November of 2017 we looked at each other over the hospital bed of one of his family members and the look in our eyes was all it took. That day we made a pledge to do whatever it took to live the rest of our lives together through any trial or struggle. While we aren't legally married yet and won't be for a while due to trying to save up for a real wedding. We are still to each other husband and wife and I honestly could not be happier or more blest with this man. Our daughter is due November 2018 so it's safe to say that November is truly our month.

If you read this.... thank you. I know it was long but I just wanted to share the love this man and I have for each other.