Tips for Conceiving

👣BossMami • M ♡ M of a Wild One

Asalaam alaykum sisters, hope everyone's good and staying positive. I wanted to share some knowledge with you all as I am too TTC, may Allah accept our duaas and desires to be mothers for the goodness of this world and the hereafter. Ameen

There's a really beneficial book for those who might not know called, Taking Charge of Your Fertility and What to Expect Before You're Expecting. Its a great book with lots of scientific facts and information to help us out. I have some tips from doing collective research and studying that might help bi idhnillah.

1. Taking your daily basal temperature before you pray fajr. Keep a thermometer by your side and take your temperature before you get up everyday to help chart if you are indeed ovulating inshaAllah. After ovulation your temperature should remain high and will decrease or fall right before or a day or two after your period. If you have high temperatures for 18 days after you ovulated inshaAllah it should be because you've become pregnant.

2. Take note of your body fluid/cervical fluid daily, this will help you determine if it's the right time to try bi idhnillah. I will attach a picture of what you should be looking for.

3. Record your cervix position. Remember SHOW: soft, high, open wet should be what you're looking for inshaAllah and usually happens when you are about to ovulate.

opk: ovulation prediction kits help with this too but they are not 100% reliable they will only tell you when you are about to ovulate with a positive lh surge. Ovulation usually takes place 24-36 hrs after a positive test. However sometimes these tests might not be sensitive enough to pick up on your lh so always look for the darkests line from the tests you take.

Some people might also experience cramps or pain a few days after their period this is midcycle pain. Some may get this before or after your egg has released. Keep a record of every symptom you experience this will help you understand your cycle.

HERBS that Help us stay balance

- damiana good for both men and women good for stamina relaxation and intimacy

- vitex for women only

- maca for both men and women and helps with stamina and intimacy

- saw palmetto helps men

- licorice root helps with producing cervical mucus so does marshmallow root

- if you experience heavy bleeding you could try ginger, cinnamon bark, Yarrow, vitex

*VITAMIN B6 is also very helpful with immune system, energy and nervous system

This site has very good helpful information as well.

May Allah bless us and make us successful. Ameen