Am I a really that bad of a fiancé?


Me and my fiancé argue and fight when ever we don’t have intercourse but we still fight sometimes after we have intercourse as well...

We been together exactly a year today n he didn’t even remember till I showed him on Facebook.. I have known him for 2 years exact today when we first met we were alll head over heels for each other n we got along find n he help my mom out a lot with my daughter I work morning shift so my mom n dad put her on the bus n off the bus cuz I work till 6pm my now fiancé helps as well he gets ssi cuz he was hit by a dump truck about four years ago plus he has sierze as well... anyway we have grown apart a lot lately like I feel like he don’t trust me or he don’t believe me when we get in big arguments all he does is threaten to leave me n my daughter... I love him with all my heart n so does my daughter but he been needy a lot lately n I don’t understand y at all like I am open with him I tell him we’re I go n if I not at work he is mostly with me... we be laying in bed n he will put his arm around me but also put his hands where I don’t want him to as well like I don’t like tht when he does it I move his hands n he pouts like a little two year old n throw a fit... this been going on for awhile but we have our good days n bad days as well any relationship... my daughter sperm donor raped me I found out tht I was 3 months pregnant 3 days before my sweet 16 birthday... I have always wanted a good guy figured for her n god sent him to me but I just don’t understand what I have done wrong these last couple months.. even when I give into him he still needy n grumpy n so on.... he been telling me that he been having these sexual dreams about us n so on n I let him tell me n so I listen to him all the time he can’t work cuz he can’t handle it plus they take his ssi away from him they took our food stamps away from us cuz with his income of ssi n my job checks we make 10 cents over the amount for a family of three

Any positive advice would help me n please don’t bash me