3 Different Opinions! These radiologists are driving me nuts!

Jackie • DS (8/16), MMC (8/18), 🌈 (7/19)

Ok- long story short In 2014 during an US for a kidney stone, the radiologist put in his report “probable septate uterus”.

In early 2015 I chose to investigate this and had an HSG which was read as “normal arcuate variant anatomy”.

Later in 2015 I became pregnant with my now 2YO son. Healthy pregnancy, carried 10 days past my due date and delivered vaginally. No mention of uterine anomaly.

Now FF to 2018 and I found out I miscarried at roughly 9.5 weeks (fetus was only measuring 6+3). During the first US there was no mention of a uterine anomaly. On the US I had to confirm the loss, the second radiologist noted “evident bicornate uterus”. Now I’ve looked up HSG pics of bicornate uterus and it doesn’t look like mine. I’m posting the pic of my 2015 HSG below.

What should I do? Request an MRI to rule out/confirm? I want a clear answer on this so that I have more info when we TTC again.

Thanks for any input ladies.

***UPDATE***: Just wanted to provide the results in case anyone finds it helpful. Went in for a 3D US (recc by OB before going to MRI) and the reconstruction showed that it was in face just an arcuate variant anatomy. The radiologist compared the US to my 2015 HSG. The US tech stated that it is never good to have these anatomical anomalies evaluated when you are pregnant (or miscarrying) because the pregnancy itself alters the shape of your uterus. For example, in an arcuate anatomy, if the egg had implanted towards the upper left side of the uterus, then the gestational sac as it grows may distort the actual shape of your uterus. This was the guess in my case that the egg had implanted in such a way to contort my uterus to look bicornuate on a 2D US. All is good now, I’m currently almost 38 weeks with a baby girl due 7/15. Thanks again to all of those who chimed in!